If you want to do something good for yourself and your skin, skip the traditional bubble bath and opt for a bath with sea salt.
We all know it: there is something magical about a bath. Dive into the warm water, listen to music, read, or just close your eyes and enjoy. Bathing is the perfect time out from your everyday life. And the great thing about it: not only your mind and soul benefit, but your body too. We'll tell you why sea salt baths are particularly good for you and what they can do.
1. Sea salt moisturizes the skin
Even if this sounds surprising at first, salt has an outstanding, unique property: it moisturizes the skin. In a salt bath, the salt is deposited in the outer layer of the skin and binds the moisture there. This preserves the natural protective layer and the skin does not dry out. Quite the opposite of a conventional foam bath, which removes moisture from the skin. The use of bath salts is therefore extremely important, especially for dry skin. In our aroma baths, we use other salts in addition to sea salt that have additional positive properties for the skin. For example, Epsom salt, which has a detoxifying effect, or Himalayan salt, which is particularly rich in minerals.2. Sea salt removes toxins from the body
The skin is our largest organ. And it functions like a membrane - it is permeable. We absorb substances that are helpful to the body, but also harmful ones, through it - and excrete some of them again in a metabolic process.
This osmotic process is stimulated by the sea salt, toxins stored in the body are dissolved and released into the water. At the same time, the important minerals from the brine are absorbed through the skin. Great. The body is deacidified, which leads to a balanced and natural pH value of the skin.

3. Sea salt also cleanses from the inside
This is exciting: With sea salt, a relaxing bath also becomes an inhalation therapy. The salt-infused water vapor that we inhale while bathing cleanses the entire respiratory tract of bacteria and allergens.The salt has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. It also stimulates blood flow to the lungs. We maximize this effect in our aroma baths by using fine essential oils that not only smell pleasant, but also stimulate the body and mind. Depending on the recipe, they have a stimulating or relaxing effect and support the desired effect. The aroma baths are therefore like small aroma therapies. So always breathe deeply when bathing.
4. Medicinal plants make the difference
Highly dosed sea salt is the basis, and flowers or medicinal herbs of all kinds can be added. They give the bath the effect you need at the time - relaxation, detoxification or energy. Many plants have an enormous effect on our organism. We appreciate the healing effect of flowers and herbs when we reach for a sage, lemon balm or camomile tea when we have a cold. You can also use these active ingredients when you bathe.
This is particularly effective when flowers or herbs are combined in the bath in such a way that their effects complement each other perfectly. For example, rose petals, St. John's wort and camomile if you want to really relax and unwind. Or birch, lemon balm and sage if you want to get out of the bath full of energy. However, in order for the medicinal plants to develop their full potential, you need to give them some time. Just like with tea: add herbs and flowers to warm water with the salt and let it steep so that they can release their active ingredients into the water.
5. More is better!
You can use the great properties of a sea salt bath in many different ways. You can treat yourself to a beauty bath if you want to relieve stress, activate your self-healing powers (e.g. RECHARGE, BABY! Aromatic bath birch & lemon balm), prevent colds, detoxify (e.g. RESET, BABY! Aromatic bath nettle & ginger) or just to relax (e.g. RELAX, BABY! Aromatic bath rose & St. John's wort oil) and enjoy. You're always doing your skin a favor. But it's best to stick to a maximum bath time of 30 minutes. Because the good news comes at the end - you can't bathe too much!