Aroma Bath 'Reset, Baby!' - Refill
Detoxifying Aromatic Bath with Sea Salt, Nettle & Ginger
Simply back to the beginning again. Pressing the rest button.
Here we go! You won’t suddenly become young again after this bath. But you’ll feel like you have.
Because you get a concentrated dose of natural detoxification with this bath. Out with all of the burdens and in with the good ingredients, all in one go. And you can relax, completely chilled out, while it happens because your skin does it all for you. Pushed by effective medicinal plants, mineral-rich salts and fine oils.
With nettle, nettle seed, cornflower, hydrangea, lemon verbena and ginger.
Detoxifying Aromatic Bath
Clarifying & Purifying
Refill pack made of kraft paper with pressure seal
Contents: 620 g
Sea salt (MARIS SAL), Epsom salt (MAGNESIUM SULFATE), Cornflower blossoms (CENTAUREA CYANUS FLOWER), Ginger powder (ZINGIBER OFFICINALIS POWDER), Nettle seeds (URTICA DIOICA SEEDS), Hydrangea flowers (HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA LEAF), Nettle leaves (URTICA DIOICA LEAFS), Lemon verbena (LIPPIA CIRTODORA), Lemon Eucalyptus Essential Oil (EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA OIL), Basil essential oil (OCIMUM BASILICUM OIL), Ginger essential oil (ZINGIBER OFFIZINALE OIL)
From the idea through development to production, everything happens at our location in Munich.