Meet the founders

Aline & Jörg


Aline has been dealing with natural cosmetics for a long time. As a "Waldorf child" she grew up with organic and natural cosmetics when both were still absolutely marginal.

Years later, she discovers her true passion.

During the day she advises and coaches top managers of the German elite, at night she researches, reads and experiments with natural cosmetics. Their goal: get natural cosmetics from the organic corner. Clean into life. Into the spotlight. Because she deserves it - nature is sexy.

Naturkosmetik kann Sexysein!

Mit dieser Idee und ihren intensiven Rezepturen, Düften und Farben begeistert sie auch Jörg. Und plötzlich war alles klar: all in. Raus aus den alten Jobs, rein in den neuen Traum – von einer Marke, die für das Beste aus der Natur steht und Glamour in jedes Badezimmer bringt.

Thank you for being there too!

She also inspires Jörg with this idea and her intense recipes, scents and colors. And suddenly everything was clear: all in. Out of the old jobs, into the new dream – from a brand that represents the best of nature and brings glamor to every bathroom.

Today, both are a big step further. In the Naked Lab and the manufactory, an enthusiastic and great team works to develop I WANT YOU NAKED a little bit every day and to win new fans. Thank you for being part of it!